The only thing exciting about politics right now is the 2006 midterm elections. So I think that's gonna be the focus of whatever-the-fuck I'm doing here. I mean, the White House is finally getting some resistance to turning this country into a Theocratic Military Dictatorship, and the Democrats continue to stumble around Washington in search of a clue (the meaningful Administration resistance is coming from John McCain and other moderate Republicans). How everything turns out in November will be a whole chunk o' fun, right?
My idea is to do a pool of the current U.S. Senate races, with the House seat-count as a tiebreaker. I'm looking to have a lot of links regarding these races and the various scandals that will help influence them.
Anyone out there predicting a Democrat sweep? Keep dreaming, dipshit. They'll fumble their advantage faster than Jerome Bettis on the 2 yard line in Indianapolis. Still, should be worth watching.