Thursday, May 11, 2006

It Keeps Bringing Me Back

I went on a politics hiatus. I stopped reading Wonkette. And stopped going to Clear and Present to torment Mike. I just stopped.

The summer before the 2004 election (or perhaps even before that), I predicted that someday, “down the road,” the American public was going to catch wind of just how inept the current Administration is. “The wheels are going to come off the wagon,” I said. Well, my Internet friends, that day has come. Or, y’know, came months ago. (Even years ago if you ask your Libertarian-Socialist friends.)

I didn’t feel like gloating. During the run-up to the 2000 election, and during the recount debacle, I had numerous debates with family members and coworkers about the crime being perpetuated on the electorate. And now would be a good time to bring out the coup de grace. Maybe I’m trying to stay above the fray. Or maybe I realize that it could still get worse, and I can bolster my case.

However, I’m still convinced that the Dems could fumble away this opportunity. If Bush’s poll numbers are still in the dumps in September and/or the summer is bursting with more Republican scandals, the Dems may slide into control of the Legislature. But we have to wait and see what Rove’s gonna do. An October surprise? Reigniting the Religious Right?

Being in Florida, I see a lot of what goes on with Li’l Brother Jeb. Y’know, how he was saying he definitely wasn’t going to run for president in 2008. But he’s flying over to the tsunami-devastated areas. And visiting the troops in Iraq. He seems to be putting a lot of effort into gaining national, and international, exposure. And with all the McCains and Giulianis possibly running as broadly appealing GOP candidates, they need someone with star power to carry the Religious Right banner. Besides, his brother wants him to run. I think he’ll announce late (like, the Fall of 2007) and get a lot of momentum going into the primaries. You heard it here first.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Desperate times call for...well, Ross Perot I guess.

Come on now Observer. Time to get back in the game! What do you need - a NEGATIVE approval rating?

5:30 PM  

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