Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"And Then He Said This and, OMG, Can You Believe It?" (Holiday Edition)

Yeah, it’s been a while. And?

I feel like if politicians the Administration can retroactively convince our country to go to “war” in Iraq, I can retroactively write about it.

I saw the footage of Jeanne Schmidt speaking before the House and was mouth-agape stunned at her gall. Funny how her “cut-and-run” sentiment was poo-poo’d by her GOP compadres but has since been recycled by the president. (The vice president most recently offered his version, telling the American troops in Iraq that “these colors don’t run.”)

The president is desperate to (re)sell the War in Iraq to the increasingly wary American public. He even has some of the “sheep” convinced with his constant “major speeches” and primetime addresses. His poll numbers are lurching upward. The Democrats are back to shooting themselves in both feet. Things are returning to normal.

And then we get the president foaming at the mouth over the issue of domestic spying. Not that it was actually happening, but that someone had leaked that it was happening. “Of course I authorized it! It’s my job to protect you!” How is this different from the KGB, again? And how is this knowledge being public endangering the effort to keep tabs on domestic terrorists? They have to communicate, don’t they? Focus on them and not the peaceful anti-war rally-planners. That’s all we care about.

“Shameful?” I agree.


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