Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bush Knows Her Heart (Reprise)

I've grown increasingly concerned about Harriet Miers after hearing the story about reassurances James Dobson received from Karl Rove. Speculation, of course, focuses on Miers being an "evangelical Christian" who is pro-life . . . and whether Rove's assurances extended to how Miers might vote on a case that could overturn Roe v. Wade.

The president believes in her, and has told Conservatives to "trust" him. The First Lady supports her, and probably for reasons besides Miers having a vagina (maybe she, too, killed someone with her car).

The Democrats, in true form, have no idea what to do about her. "Great, Bush nominated a woman!" That's about all we've heard. She could be a fine addition to the court. Or she could be an Administration-programmed ideologue.


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