Friday, June 17, 2005

Survey Saaaaaayyyys . . . EVIL!

Conventional wisdom would suggest that the White House and Guv'ner Jeb didn't know that Katherine Harris was planning to run for the U.S. Senate in 2006. Surely they didn't think she'd continue to sit on the sidelines (where she was relegated in 2004 because Dubya didn't want all the 2000-borne bile in Florida to swamp his 27 electoral votes). Evil don't play that shit.

Look, everyone to the Left of Hitler's 60-years-dead, withered cock wants "anyone but Harris" for Senate in 2006. (Unfortunately, a significant block of Florida voters are politically aligned with the misguided member . . . and/or retarded.) The relatively unknown former Democrat from the "Redneck Riveria" might have a shot if the White House is serious about backing him to beat incumbent Bill Nelson. But there's something bigger happening behind the scenes.

Keep an eye on this story.


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