Friday, June 10, 2005

Prelude to . . .

I didn’t really have any idea how this whole thing was going to start. But, as it’s a fucking blog, I guess the “introduction” needn’t be too grandiose. Still, the idea’s been talked about to death and it’s time to DO something. And, in that respect, any “introduction” would seem inadequate.

Anyway, I opened the paper today (actually, it was on the front page, above the fold, so not really “opened,” but the front page was underneath the “Business & Editorial” section for whatever reason) and this is what I saw. It should be noted here that I live in Tallahassee which, you may remember, was the Center of the Universe for thirty-some-odd days in 2000 when Al Gore challenged the presidential election results.

A lot has been made (by those on the Left) of the quote the vice-president of Diebold made prior to the 2004 election and the results of testing done by Black Box Voting. Turns out, the Supervisor for Elections in our own county invited BBV in. And now he’s getting scolded for it by several (local) elected officials and the counsel for Diebold (who, at the same time, has acknowledged that the voting machines might not be reliable).

Like me, the Mr. Sancho isn’t much of a conspiracy buff. But I think there’s a very real possibility that something shady could happen in Florida (if it didn’t already). The point is: We really need transparent voting (and tabulating) procedures, including a paper trail. Whether it’s federally mandated or not. Do we need to have these issues come up again in 2008?

Hasn’t enough been stolen already?


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